In this podcast we want to tell you the story of our co-host's journey from starting a company, to selling it for $50 million in a record 17 months. Martin Warner has been alongside Jax Jones for 16 episodes as we speak to interesting people at the top of their field. Now, Jax unpicks what makes Martin tick, with insights from his career as a bank executive, inventor, and seriel entreprenuer.

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Hip Hop is nearly 50 years old. Its influence on culture around the world is profound. Its given hundreds of the most talented musicians a route out of poverty, inspired children from the most disadvantaged backgrounds to shoot for the stars, and offered an avenue for them to express the hardship that many young men and women - particularly from black communities - grow up in. 'Believe in yourself'... that's the one thing Semtex says Hip Hop has taught him. In this podcast we explore the culture of Hip Hop, it's impact on society, and what the genre means to the people who were raised on it.

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